Saturday, January 14, 2012

#39 William McKinley

William McKinley

Born: January 29, 1843
Died: September 14, 1901
Political Party: Republican
Term of Office: January 11 1892 - January 13, 1896
Buried: William McKinley Memorial Canton, Ohio
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William McKinley is the 2nd of 2 Governors of Ohio to become President. Hayes being the first. He knew Hayes from the Civil War, and McKinley would become Hayes political protege. Hayes would live to see McKinley become Governor and was very proud of that fact. McKinley was the last Civil War veteran to be President. He survived the horrorible bloodshed of Antietam to be shot and killed as President.

If you want to see more historical sites of McKinley here is a link to my McKinley page on my Presidents blog. - .

Governor McKinley became a supporter of bimetallism, in regards to the national currency. He would intervene on several labor disputes, even calling in the National Guard at one point. After leaving office he would be elected President in 1896. As President he led us through the Spanish American War. He was a very popular President, but is usually overshadowed by his Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, who assumed the Presidency after his assassination in 1901.

As is usually the case when a President dies in office, they are given a very large memorial in their honor. As you can see, McKinley is no exception.

McKinley Monument Canton, Ohio

McKinley statue on the steps of his memorial

My kids and I inside the McKinley Monument.

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